Outfit: Complete Denial

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Welcome, friends, to yet another addition of ‘Steph moans about the end of Summer….’ I felt like maybe you hadn’t had quite enough of me complaining about how much I hate the Autumn/Winter season, so just to make sure you really, really understand, here is another post aaaaaaall about it….. You can thank me later.

So, as you can see, my main tactic when it comes to tackling the effects of my SAD sensors going into overdrive is to simply pretend it isn’t happening. It is NOT less than 20 degrees outside. It is NOT overcast and grey as far as the eye can see. It SO IS satin shoe wearing weather. That kind of thing. On the one hand, this blatant denial of the obvious can be a positive thing. I certainly get far more wear out of some of my more Summery clothes, and it definitely makes me feel better about the impending doom that is dark nights when I’m still wearing bright colors and pastels and pretty shoes! On the other hand, it can get more than a little chilly when you choose not to dress appropriately for the weather. And that whole ‘it so is satin shoe wearing weather’ fantasy is quite likely to come back and bite you on the ass, just like it did the day these were taken.

In my defence, the weather was not supposed to be all that bad that day. I took a quick look on the weather app while I was getting dressed and was pleased to see that, after a solid few days of wet weather, things were on the up and temps were due to reach the lofty heights of 17 degrees! I also had a quick look at the odds of rain, and was confidently told by the app that there was a mere 10% chance of rain – all day long. 10%?? I liked those odds. I mean, isn’t there a 10% chance of rain every day in England? It seemed like a fairly risk free gamble to me, so I happily popped on my new pale pink trousers and my beloved Ted Baker Adecyn pumps which matched so well.

You know what is coming next though, right? Yeah, it did rain. Of course it did. About 2 minutes after I boarded the bus for work, the sky darkened in a way I can only imagine it would should the apocolypse be on us and down it came. This was not light rain. Not a brief little ‘10% chance of rain’ type of shower. It was an all out, end of day, torrential downpour kind of rain. I am pretty sure Mother Nature did it on purpose. Luckily, by the time I reached the city and had to get off and head to the office, it had dissipated somewhat and I got to work fairly unscathed. Then, of course, all I saw out of my window for the rest of the day was beautiful sunshine! Typical. Until, that is, 5pm when I started my journey home. Guess what? The heavens opened again. Because Autumn hates me and wants me and my shoes to suffer!

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You will be glad to know that my Ted Bakers survived, but my mood did not…




In this post: Pink Trousers, Dorothy Perkins (Similar) – White Tee, H&M – ‘Adecyn’ Pumps, Ted Baker (Similar)


6 thoughts on “Outfit: Complete Denial

    1. I’m from Birmingham in the U.K., we don’t really have 4 seasons here, just a few months of sunshine if we’re lucky, then Autumn, Winter and Spring just seem to merge into one big rainy season! It’s not too bad though really – it’s rare we get any extreme weather of any kind, but it would be nice to get a little more out of Summer! X

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