The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Halloween

Well, it’s been a little while since I posted, huh? Yes, I was that idiot who thought, ‘Gosh, I’ll have so much time for blogging when I’m on my maternity leave!’ forgetting about the whole looking after a tiny new human thing…. It’s not been very easy to get time to write content in the short moments of respite Bailey gives me, on top of all the normal life admin like eating and housework! But I’m happy to report that 10 weeks in he has started to fall into a bit of a routine with daytime napping, so fingers crossed I’ll be able to get back on the proverbial horse! And I thought I’d treat you today with a bit of a break from the baby stuff, ’cause I’m nice like that!

I had no intentions or plans to write this post. It was very much a spur of the moment thing, which explains the terrible pictures! But it is one I felt suddenly quite passionate about, and it was largely born out of my recent focus on trying to be more sustainable in my style choices. I’ve always been a bit of a bargain hunter, and have never been shy of going second hand, but I’ve also been guilty of the odd splurge in the sales or a completely spontaneous purchase that I really don’t need, so lately I’ve been really trying to break those habits, and it was while pondering this that it struck me just how wasteful the whole Halloween period can be. I’m sure most of you have read the posts circulating social media about the shocking volume of pumpkins that are thrown out every year, but what about all that plastic crap that goes into Halloween costumes? And even if you manage to avoid buying said plastic crap, I’m sure many of us are guilty of buying something especially for a party or social occasion, right? And given that most of us don’t tend to walk around dressed as ghouls and goblins most of the time, they are likely things we aren’t going to wear again, aren’t they? I know I certainly have found myself out the day before a big event desperately reaching for a dress I never in the million years would normally wear just because it matches a theme! Well, I have decided this just needs to stop. I mean I’m all for getting dressed up and having a bit of fun, but it shouldn’t have to come at the expense of the environment! Last year I wrote a post about outfits you could make buying pieces you’d definitely wear again, but I decided this year I need to go one further and focus on making those outfits without spending a penny, and here are the results – 5 super easy outfits that I have genuinely put together using things I already own! And I’m not kidding about easy – I literally threw these together during Bailey’s nap time, so if I can do it, anyone can!!

The Witch/Vampire/Some Other Suitably Gothic Character

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So, this is one that pretty much all ladies should be able to pull off – I mean, who doesn’t have a black maxi or midi dress or skirt hanging in their closet?? Pretty much any style will do as long as it’s black, as you can focus more effort on your make up or some home made accessories to complete the look, but bonus points if you have something gauzy, lacy or a little ‘Victoriana’ for a bit more authenticity! I even managed to dig out some stripy socks I completely forgot I owned, though some of you may prefer to go more ‘The Craft’ rather than ‘The Wicked Witch of the West’ and keep things a little more glam….. The winner in this outfit has to be the pointy lace up boots – I wear these to death every Winter, and could they be any more perfect for the job??

The Ghost Bride

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This is another one that I’d be shocked to hear anyone say they couldn’t put together at short notice – the ghost of some poor unfortunate soul jilted at the alter or done away with by a greedy Fiance with their eyes on inheritance money! Again, the style of the dress is completely irrelevant as long as it is white – this dress isn’t remotely bridal on it’s own, but add a head piece, some fancy shoes and a bunch of flowers and it’s pretty darn obvious what I’m supposed to be. You can really make this outfit by putting a darn sight more effort into the make up than me (seriously – little dude will only give me an hour, two tops, so this is not my best work!) and my top tip is to liberally spritz your hair with dry shampoo and not brush it out for added ghostly effect! One year I even made a veil out of some old net curtains and a hairband!

The Pirate

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This is the perfect outfit for those who don’t fancy going heavy on the gothic make up or fake blood! Granted, while these were all items I found super easy to find in my current repertoire they may not be everyone’s personal style, but they are commonplace enough that you should at least be able to beg, steal or borrow them off friends! All this one takes is a flouncy blouse, a waistcoat, over the knee boots and a headscarf – could not be more simple, right? And if I could have been bothered I’m sure I could even have rustled up an eye patch or a hook out of everyday items!

The Creepy Doll

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This is one of my favourite Halloween outfits and one I’ve donned a couple of years on the trot now. The outfit itself is not much – a cutesy dress, preferably with a peter pan collar, some girly socks, mary jane shoes and of course pig tails! Having a child helps as you should also be able to lay bands on a teddy or dolly! The real magic is in the make up though – guaranteed to creep all of your fellow party goers out! I didn’t have time to recreate it for these photos, but you can find my tutorial from last year here.

The Stepford Wife

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This one is probably the easiest for me, because I’m a lover of all things 50s style so my wardrobe is choc full of vintage style frocks and petticoats. It is also a great one for those of us that still want to look ‘nice’ rather than silly! You don’t even have to go retro with the look – there have been plenty of adaptations of this classic story over the years so any glammed up look will do! I always add a pinny as a nod to the perfect housewife status, and finish off by using an eyeliner to draw on tell tale arm and jaw joints – the clue to the sinister truth under that glossy exterior!

And there you have it! Five scary looks even a lazy girl with a 10 week old like me can knock together on a rainy afternoon! So if you have last minute plans this weekend, please please please don’t rush out to buy something unnecessary that you’ll then forever banish to the back of your wardrobe. Take a deep dive into those cupboards to see what you can come up with!



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