Outfit: The Perfect Pick Me Up Dress

Gingham Dream 2

People often ask me why I love fashion so much, and honestly, it’s a difficult one to answer as there are just so many reasons! I’ve always just found a beautiful dress or pair of shoes as pleasing to the eye as a piece of artwork, and I love how clothes can help you express yourself. Most importantly though, I think people underestimate how powerful the right clothes can be. Even people who claim not to be interested in fashion at all will probably still contest that there is a piece of clothing they favour – those jeans that you never want to wash because they just feel right on your cosy, for example? Or the cosy sweater that makes you feel comforted on a down day? That dress you save for special occasions because no matter how fat or ugly you’re feeling, it makes you feel good about yourself? Clothes can make all the difference. The difference between a good or a bad day. The difference between feeling comfortable and confident or wanting to hide in a corner. Even the difference between getting a job or not! Whether you’re a fashion follower or not, sometimes clothes have the ability not just to enhance, but dramatically change the way we feel, and sometimes that can be just the boost you need to take on a difficult task or feel strong enough to power through.

This particular dress does just that! I picked this up for a song in Joanie’s recent sale and had been saving it for my holiday to give it it’s debut. When I saw it I was immediately struck at how cheerful it was, despite its muted navy and white palette, and though a fun, sunny holiday was just the right occasion for it! Though things didn’t go quite to plan. I had a fantastic time on my trip, don’t get me wrong, but this day in particular was a bit of a downer. I woke up that morning with a nasty water infection that I felt certain was going to hand around for the duration of our stay. It meant, of course, laying off the booze or anything too sugary (not what anyone wants on holiday, amirite??) and having not had much sleep the night before I was feeling retty crabby as we headed out for breakfast that morning. I honestly didn’t even really think about it when I grabbed this and put it on – I was mainly attracted to the fact it is fairly loose and could be slipped on with minimal effort more than anything else. I don’t think I even bothered to put on a bra!

Funny thing though, the second it was on my body my mood was transformed! I felt instantly uplifted, more cheery, less grumpy. I felt pretty darn cute, and that was a miracle considering I couldn’t be bothered washing my hair or putting on any make-up. Basically, the dress was just so lovely on it’s own that it really didn’t matter that I felt like a bag of balls, the dress made me feel better and I can still see it now in the photos. It’s the kind of dress that makes you want to smile, and let’s face it, we all need a few of those in our lives sometimes, right? It’s almost like it has magical properties!

Gingham Dream 3Gingham Dream 5Gingham Dream 9Gingham Dream 12Gingham Dream 8Gingham Dream 1Gingham Dream 6Gingham Dream 10Gingham Dream 7Gingham Dream 4Gingham Dream 11

Come to think of it, the infection also skedaddled after a day or two of binge drinking water, so maybe it really does have magical properties? Either way, I don’t need much of an excuse to wear it again and find out!



In this post: ‘Ellen’ Dress, Joanie Clothing (Similar) – Sandals, New Look – Red Bag, Gifted (Similar)

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10 thoughts on “Outfit: The Perfect Pick Me Up Dress

    1. My only issue with Joanie is that they are far to adept at predicting what I’ll want to buy! It’s a real danger me going anywhere near the site at the moment, especially now there is another sale on!


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