February Lust Haves

You know how I was saying last week that I find it really hard to think of things I want when people quiz me for present ideas around my birthday? Well, you would think in that case I wouldn’t have had much on my wish list this month. And yet somehow, here I am, about to tell you about at least 6 things that I lusted after during February! And pretty much all of them are completely frivolous, unnecessary purchases that I will struggle to come up with an excuse to buy, so they really would have made perfect presents really, but that would make life easy wouldn’t it, and we all know I like to make things as difficult as possible for myself. Part of me is starting to wonder if I actually enjoy torturing myself with the temptation of unsuitable garments, a bt like those girls that always fall for emotionally unavailable men? I could probably write a soap about my relationships with clothes, I mean seriously, my wish lists have more twists and turns and dramas than Eastenders!

And there I go again forgetting that no-one actually finds my wish lists as interesting as I do, so without further ado, let’s get to the good stuff!

First up, this dress:

Monica Candy Dress, Oasis, £44

‘Monica’ is one of Collectif’s new Spring offerings, and I’m in love. I don’t really do strapless frocks, but the pastel check pattern on this is just gorgeous! I first spotted the print in their SS17 lookbook not too long ago and have been waiting to see it land on the New In section with bated breath. I did also spot though a rather easier to wear flared dress so I think I’ll manage to resist this one in the hopes that one isn’t too far behind, here’s just hoping when it finally arrives I haven’t already spent my clothing budget!

Next up, sticking with the pastels and this rather darling little knit from Oasis:

Embroidered Collar Knit, Oasis, £42

I first spotted this when writing this post about their bird prints at the weekend and at the time I wasn’t all that awestruck by it. I mean, I thought it was cute, and I finding myself increasingly drawn to peter pan collars lately, but it was just ok as far as I was concerned. But then I decided on an ill-advised little browse on in store on my lunchbreak last week, and I have to say the pictures just don’t do it justice. The delicate embroidery is so intricate and pretty in real life I had to frog march myself out of the shop before I found I’d accidentally bought it…

Sticking with Oasis, but of course not diverging from the florals, obvs:

Lace Trim Tee, Oasis, £35

Again, I wasn’t hugely struck by this sweet little tee when I saw it online, but in real life I was sold. The fabric is lovely and floaty and would dress up a boring pair of jeans no end. I love the way the colours at the neckline pop, and I did say I needed to expand my ‘nice top’ collection for dressy-casual engagements so….

Before I talk myself into it, here’s some more stunning florals to drool over:

Poppy Dress, Warehouse, £46

Now, I haven’t been into Warehouse in ages – not on purpose or anything, just because the thought hadn’t occurred to me. I spotted this gorgeous, gaudy poppy print dress in the window though and just had to pop in to see what else was on offer. Big mistake. I now want pretty much everything.

Including this:

Wisteria Wrap Dress, Warehouse, £49

Now, this one is probably a little more wearable so resisting it is going to be far trickier. Despite that bold print it has a really classy feel to it, and just screams of sultry Summer evenings sipping chilled Sauv Blanc somewhere fancy. Not that I’ll be able to afford such luxuries if I don’t stop Window shopping…..

Finally, something a little more sensible:

Leona Flats, ASOS, £12

Well, I say sensible. No-one actually NEEDS a pair of stripy ballet shoes do they? But at least I’ll find them a bit easier to get my money’s worth since they go with plenty of things I’ve collected in my efforts to own ALL OF THE STRIPES. I actually have been looking for a pair for a couple of years after missing out on a very cute pair from Marks and Spencers, so my heart literally skipped a beat when I spotted these over at Retrochick. It then sped up tenfold when I realised they were just £12. By the time I spotted they stocked them in half sizes I was actually concerned for my health. Needless to say, they will be featuring in a Moments of Weakness post very soon….

And that is that for this month. Kind of impressive considering I apparently didn’t want anything specific for my Birthday, huh? Thank god I got some money to spend otherwise those savings would be quaking in their boots!



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